Quotes From "Daybreak: Meditations For Women Survivors Of Sexual Abuse" By Maureen Brady

Fearing the unknown within myself has kept me crouching in...
Fearing the unknown within myself has kept me crouching in a corner. I look to see who I am and discover much that is worthy. Maureen Brady
I create a home that is a safe and nurturing...
I create a home that is a safe and nurturing place for me, where I am free to gather myself. Maureen Brady
I am filled with truth at my center where I...
I am filled with truth at my center where I once held shame. Maureen Brady
I am empowered by self-knowledge, by ownership of my experiences, and by all aspects of myself. Maureen Brady
I value and honor the way that my suffering brings me to further search and surrender. Maureen Brady
I choose to let positive attitudes lighten my being today. Maureen Brady
I am building a healthy support system and learning to use it readily. Maureen Brady
I am a whole person and have the potential to bring together all the different aspects of myself. Maureen Brady
I choose what sort of relationship I want to have with my family of origin today. Maureen Brady
It is not my wish to stay home so much that I become isolated, but to use the comforting influence of my home to restore and gather myself after each step I take in my expanding ability to participate in the world. Maureen Brady
I look upon the gift of my life as a wondrous journey. Maureen Brady